When a product is air fried, one expects it to have fewer calories. Such doesn’t seem to be the case, however, with Kettle Chips.
Here is the regular variety of Kettle chips. It has 140 calories per ounce and nine grams of fat.
Now here is the “air fried” Kettle chips.
This variety says “air fried” in huge letters, but in small type that some people might miss, it says “kettle cooked, air finished.” What? The chips are really deep-fat fried, but then blown dry, so to speak?
That alone could be misleading, and so the company was just sued in March by a consumer.
But look closer, comparing the two nutrition labels. The air-fried product says 30% less fat than the regular version, and sure enough, it has six grams of fat per ounce versus nine grams of fat. But how is it possible that the bag with less fat has the exact same amount of calories per ounce? The ingredients in both products seem to be in the same order of predominance.
We asked Campbell’s Soup, the maker of Kettle chips, for an explanation. They did not reply.
Now it is your turn. What could explain that there is no change in calories in the air-fried product despite having one-third less fat?